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Challenging The Status Quo: A Case For Legalizing Marijuana In America

Colorado and Washington legalized marijuana for the first time in 2012. Schedule 1 drugs includes marijuana. Schedule 1 drugs have no current accepted medical uses, and are high-risk for abuse. Colorado and Washington’s legalization brought about a positive attitude towards marijuana and the potential for it to be legalized everywhere. Legalizing marijuana brought in billions, created hundreds and thousands of jobs. Two FDA-approved drugs were also produced. These reasons should allow for legalization, as well as the chance to do more research.

Cannabis sativa flowers are dried to make marijuana. The most common way to use marijuana is in a joint. You can also put it in a water pipe, in a pipe, in tea, in brews, or in food. The psychoactive substance responsible for marijuana’s intoxicating properties is what places it on Schedule 1 of the Drug Control Act. This is called delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. This is a resin found mainly in the leaves of female cannabis plants. This plant is a source of controversy in regards to its legalization. Legalizing this substance has significantly reduced crime on the streets in Colorado, Washington and other states.

The state has benefited from this money, which has increased economic activity and lowered costs, due to the decrease in fluctuations in product prices. This money has created many new jobs. This legalization has benefited many industries, including food, transportation and tourism. The legalization of this drug can also lower crime rates.

Marijuana Policy Project said, “Studies after surveys have confirmed that marijuana policies reforms did not increase rates of youth usage.” This can help by decreasing the interest in breaking the law. The black market and drug cartels lose money when marijuana is legalized. The legalization of marijuana also helps to stop organized crime, street gangs and other criminal activities. The dispensaries also help to reduce crime in the surrounding neighborhoods. Most storefronts are now more secure around their building and the surrounding area. As it’s already legalized, this reduces crime and interest in doing something dangerous. The legalization of this drug in all other countries will help protect our community from harm that this drug can cause.

Almost two-thirds of Americans support the legalization and use of marijuana. Justin McCarthy’s Gallup survey in 2018 “found that 66% of respondents support the legalization of marijuana. That is up from just 12% the year before, when the polling firm first asked about cannabis”. The more people know about marijuana, the more willing they are to accept its legalization. Federal initiatives are underway in 2019. If marijuana legalization were to occur federally, states could decide their own policies. After that, they can start repairing damage done by prohibition. Legalization is also important for the sake of doing more research into marijuana’s medical uses.

Cannabinoids are the active ingredients in medical marijuana. THC and CBD are the two cannabinoids found in marijuana. THC gives people the “high” that they are looking for when using marijuana. The benefits of marijuana include increasing appetite, reducing nauseousness, reducing inflammation, and improving muscular control. CBD is not psychoactive, but it does help to control epileptic and other seizures as well as reduce pain. Epidiolex CBD liquid is the only CBD product that has received FDA approval. This medication has been approved by the FDA for severe childhood epilepsy.

Medical marijuana can be used to treat these conditions and reduce their symptoms. The National Institute on Drug Abuse states that “many researchers are exploring the possible uses of THC CBD, and other Cannabinoids in medical treatment”. This can benefit people who need Epidiolex. Medical marijuana can also help with Parkinson’s Disease, as it reduces dyskinesias. This is the cause of uncontrollable movements.

I know this from experience as my grandfather is suffering the early stages Parkinson’s Disease. CBD oil helped his Grandpa with his uncontrollable, unrelenting shaking. The CBD oil was available without prescription. He placed a couple drops under the tongue. After 15 minutes the shakes began to decrease and, as he continued with a few drops more, they were barely noticeable. This has been a huge help for him. He loves woodcarving and working with his hands. It has made a huge difference to his life. Further research will allow people to enjoy their lives.

As long as legalization continues, it will benefit many people and states. This could include adding billions to our economy, creating thousands of jobs, releasing scarce police resources, or even providing FDA-approved medication for two diseases. Reduced crime can free up prison space and reduce police resources. A better economy and jobs can be created by the production marijuana. Tax revenues, which are currently in the billions of dollar range, are expected by 2025 to be $24 million. This would help the fluctuation of prices, which are rising due to a lack of funds. Legalization could also help people with diseases like Parkinson’s or Dravet Syndrome who need cannabinoids for treatment. Legalizing cannabis in America and removing it from Schedule 1 will make a difference to people’s lives.
