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The Importance Of Eating Organic Food

Food is an essential part of our lives. It provides energy and helps to maintain the body’s functioning. The health of our bodies is determined by what we eat each day. The body can’t function and perform everyday tasks without food. Human bodies require a wide range of nutrients including vitamins, minerals, carbohydrate and fat. Food is the best place to find all of these nutrients. People need to be mindful of what they eat as it can have a significant impact on their health. Whiteman, a Medical News Today reporter, stated that the researchers have found that obesity and overweight rates worldwide have increased by 27.5% over the past 33 year, while rates in children and teens have increased 47.1%. People are increasingly being influenced by fast food and other quick foods available in shops, which can lead them to eat unhealthy ways. People are abandoning healthy eating habits and focusing on what is good for them. Every year, obesity is on the rise. People don’t seem to have the guidance or tools they need to eat well. To reduce the rise in health problems, it is important that people eat healthy food, especially organic, and to be encouraged to do so.

People today face many difficulties in regards to their eating habits. Some people may be close to saying goodbye to their loved ones. Others are trying to be healthy to have a prosperous life. Bryan, a translator and editor for Livestrong, stated that busy schedules can reduce the time it takes to prepare nutritious, healthy meals so people choose faster, more convenient options (2017). People choose to eat fast food because it is convenient and easy to eat. In addition, many people don’t have the time or energy to cook a nutritious meal. Bryan, who is a translator and editor at Living Strong says that whole foods like meat and vegetables require time and equipment, while fast food hamburgers can be prepared in a matter of minutes. People treat their meals as if it were a task. Because it is convenient and can be served at any time, fast food lines are often packed during lunch. Bryan, a translator/editor Living Strong explained, “Overtime that convenience becomes habitual and eventually a perceived necessity for keeping up with such fast-paced societies” (2017). Due to the advancement in society, people have become more comfortable with eating out and turning to easily available food to eat.

People are now eating to satisfy their hunger. These foods can be quick and easy to satisfy. This is why more people eat twice daily. These are the main causes of obesity. Obesity can have a significant impact on the body. Boyer, a licensed aesthetician, said that obesity places stress on the entire body, increasing your risk of developing major medical problems like heart disease, Type 2, diabetes, stroke, high bloodpressure and liver disease. It appears that obesity is responsible for most of the other potentially dangerous diseases. The United States has witnessed obesity increase rapidly over the years. This trend is likely to continue. The state’s obesity rate was only 14 percent in 1985 (see Figure 1). However, the 2008 numbers show an increase in obesity of between 15-34 percent. The numbers continue to rise as the years pass. In 2016, for example, the number of obese people jumped to 35 (see Figure 1).

Because of the numerous diseases that are linked to eating unhealthy food, it is important to eat healthier food, organic or otherwise. It is not easy to switch to healthy eating, but it becomes easier over time. The body will be protected and protected from illnesses and diseases by eating a variety of foods. Each fruit and vegetable is used in a different way by the human body. Srivastava said, “Eating healthy, balanced meals daily will provide the nutrients your body needs for keeping your bones, organs, and muscles in peak shape” (2017, p. A person should consume the same amount of food.

They can also eat a meal to maintain their health and structure. Milk, for example, contains potassium which can help strengthen the muscles and brace them. Srivastava stated, “Eating healthy foods can help you control your weight” (2017). It is possible to maintain a healthy body weight by watching the food one eats every day. This means that the average daily calories should not exceed 21,000 Healthy weight can help prevent lazy people from developing dangerous diseases and other health problems. Kushi and Lawrence H. (2009) state that “reducing caloric intake by reducing the intake of sugars, saturated, transfats and alcohol is the best way for a person to lose weight.” People should not consume sweets or alcohol. Instead, they should choose to eat sweets such as fruits.

Many shoppers shop for groceries and are interested in organic food. It is often a debate between organic and non-organic food. Organic foods are organically grown using soil and water. It is good for the body as well as the environment. Reen, a Positive Health Wellness editor, stated that conventionally grown produce is full of poisons. They don’t want diseases and pests to attack their crops. Organic food is safer to eat. Organic food does not contain any chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Abrams (an ex-editor of The Atlantic) was an example of the amazing impact organic food has on people’s lives.

Organic food aisles are a good place for fruit flies to be if they want to live long and prosper. These results aren’t able to explain why organic foods seem to be better for health. However, these results do show that organic foods can be more nutritious than those grown conventionally.

It was shown that organic is healthier than conventional. The experiment showed that organic foods can help people live longer and healthier lives.

Organic food is more nutritious and safer than conventional food because it isn’t forced to grow quicker by hormones. Hypothetically, people would likely eat pesticide-treated foods. Harvard Health Publishing also stated that organic farmers must inspect the soil in which they plant their crops and prove that it is free from synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. They do everything possible to ensure the soil is clean and free of pesticides. Farmers also ensure that the crops are free from any genetically modified organisms (GMO). Farmers make every effort to protect the crops from any dangers that could jeopardize organic growth.

Dolan, a certified nutritional therapist and nutritionist, said that organic plants may have antioxidant levels up to 69% higher than conventionally grown foods. This research reveals that organic food has a greater effect on health than other foods. Organic plants are rich in antioxidants. Dr. Brown, a registered dietian, reported that organically grown fruits and corn had 58% and 52% respectively more antioxidants. It is interesting to note that organic fruits contain more vitamins than antioxidants. Organically grown fruits contain natural vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that can help maintain a person’s health without any artificial growth. Dolan (2018) also states that antioxidants protect cells against damage. This evidence suggests that organic plants are able to defend against threats that could put the body in danger.

Mosbergen, a senior Huffington Post writer, stated, “Many [antioxidant] compound have been linked to reduced risk of chronic disease, including [cardiovascular] diseases and neurodegenerative conditions and certain cancers in dietary interventions and epidemiological studies.” (2014). The role of antioxidants in organic plants is important for a person’s health.

It is also good for your heart and protects you from other types of cancer. To get all the benefits and nutrients it offers, we should eat more organic plants. Mole (2014 Ars Technica Health Reporter) shared an enlightening insight on the antioxidant-rich organic plant.

According to the authors organic crops could have higher levels of antioxidants since they produce less sugar than traditional crops. Sometimes, conventional crops may receive more nitrogen fertilizer than they need. This can alter the plants’ metabolism and cause them to produce less sugars.

Organic food is self-reliant in protecting themselves from harm. Their diet is rich in antioxidants that help fight off pesticides. Organic food is not high in sugar, unlike conventional food.

Dolan added, “..One theory suggests that they don’t require chemical pesticides to protect their health, but they make their own protective compounds, such as antioxidants” (2018). It states that organic plants can fight diseases that could impact their growth without pesticides. Decostole, who is a registered and licensed dietitian, explained that plants produce more phytochemicals without the use of fertilizers and pesticides. This increases their resistance against bugs and weeds. Researches have shown that organic food doesn’t rely on pesticides or other harmful substances to combat insects.

Marshall, a Robbins-based pediatrician, said that in addition to generating its own defense system, “The self generated antioxidants that protect organic plants from harm” (2017). Organic plants that are high in antioxidants have the ability to fight viruses and bacteria, so anyone who eats them will benefit. Organic foods may strengthen the immune system and prevent infection from happening. Dolan, an expert nutritional Therapist, stated that organic food may help to boost the immune system, grow, and reproduce (2018). It is clear that the research will ensure that people are protected against any potentially harmful health issue. Greger, a New York Times bestseller author and physician, provides a shocking insight into the human effects of pesticides.

One study showed a 50% to 70% increase in ADHD risk among children who had pesticides in their bodies. Another study revealed that testicular carcinoma rates tripled among men who had higher levels. These pollutants are 90% found in fish, meat, and milk, which could explain the rise in testicular cancer rates since World War II.

Theoretically, people who eat pesticide-treated foods will experience a dramatic increase in their risk of developing cancer. According to Gerger’s research pesticides are a major cause of cancer. Pesticides are used in a variety of ways to cause cancer. It is quickly increasing in incidence.

Dolan, 2018, based on a European report that found natural milk and beef to have 50 per cent more beneficial omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids than expected. It is important to raise the cattle organically to reap the omega-3 benefits. Omega-3 is a vital fat that should not be cut from a person’s diet. Omega-3 reduces the likelihood of having heart problems, depression, or arthritis.

While eating healthy is beneficial, especially for those who eat organic foods, it can also be costly. Because of the time and effort required to produce organic foods, they are quite expensive. Mathew, Severson and other New York Times reporters stated that a half gallon (or a quarter) of a gallon) of milk costs $3.49 on average in 2007, while a gallon would cost $6. (2018). A regular gallon is 1.75 to 2.05. Organic milk costs $3.85 more than regular milk. A regular gallon of regular dairy milk is available for around two to three times the price of an organic gallon. Mathew Severson of the New York Times, also clarified that organic food is typically 20% to 100% more expensive than its conventional counterpart.

“The gap has narrowed over the years due to discount retailers Wal-Mart offering organics and private-label Organic products becoming available, according the industry” (2018). It shows that organic food pricing has increased because of both demand and supply. Wal-Mart, along with other private farmers, responded to the demand. However, the price was not reduced to half the amount. The cost of organic would make it impossible to live on it every day.

Organic food is still the best option for health, despite the high price tag. Healthable’s Author said that organic food has more vitamins and minerals needed to maintain a healthy body. Organic food contains rich nutrients that can help the body, according to this statement. It has more vitamins which can prevent any disease. Author further stated that fruits and veggies taste much better when organically grown. Organic food is 100% fresh and natural, as it is chemical-free.

With the rise in health issues, people need to be careful about what they eat. The way you eat can have a huge impact on your lifestyle. Because organic food doesn’t contain chemicals, it is essential that families take this into account. Organic foods are natural and can be consumed daily by people. This will lead to a reduction in health problems.
