Treatment Of Gallstones With Chinese Herbs And Acupuncture
Acupunture to treat gallstones: Although it is not clear if acupuncture can expel gallstones by itself, acupuncture can be used to treat symptoms such as billiary colic and other symptoms. Two acupuncture point mentioned in the literature are qimen, (LV-14), or riyue. These points are located above the liver on right, and are one rib away from the nipple. In an article about biliary colic ((6)), a detailed analysis of the points was provided. CV-14 briefly mentions the point juque nearby. Zhang Zhongjing’s theories of acupuncture, moxibustion and Shanghan Lun are important components of his academic thinking. Fullness of stomach, delirium, fullness, chest, flanks, distention gastric area resistant to pressure and fever are all indications of Qimen Point. These symptoms are similar to those experienced during biliary Colic ….. The area between the lines connecting Qimen, Riyue and Juque points was the most sensitive. This line, according to traditional Chinese Medicine, is the dividing boundary between the liver & gallbladder. Qimen is considered the mu [alarm] point in the liver. Riyue is considered the mu tip of gallbladder. Juque is the mu tip of heart. The treatment of internal diseases is primarily done with the front mu points. Painful lesions may be caused by the failure of your liver and heart to remove stagnant energy. The principle of treating pain by needling where it is most painful was based on the …. region.
The literature also mentions the lower leg points yanglingquan, qiuxu, and zusanli as points for treating gallstones. Nabuan (PC-6), zhigou and TB-6 are the points that treat nausea and discomfort associated with cholecystitis. Advanced Textbook of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology clarifies the purpose of these points. Qimen and Riyue are the front meridians of the liver and gallbladder. Zhigou and Yanglingquan can relieve symptoms of hypochondriac disease. Zusanli aids in strengthening the spleen and dispersing dampness-heat. In the 1980s, ear acupuncture was a popular method of removing gallstones. It was found to be particularly effective for patients with damp-heat and less effective for those suffering from qi-stagnation. However, it is not recommended for people who have qi deficiencies. It is difficult to identify the most effective points among over 60 points used for gallstone treatment. The most common points are those that deal with the liver, gallbladder and bile duct. You would need to treat the area for 30 days using pressure. The pellets could include vaccaria seed, which have a sharp point that can be used in place of the “ear tacks” small ones. After meals, pressure would be applied for between 20 and 30 minutes (or approximately 15 minutes). The therapy is highly effective in relieving symptoms. However, only 10% of patients reported having completely eliminated stones. Stone expulsion can cause distention or pain around the gallbladder. Patients who only had a small amount of stones removed experienced a rapid emergence of new stones, which sometimes led to worsening symptoms. Shang Cenruo, a researcher at the Nanjing College of TCM, warned that patients who had only a small amount of stones expelled should have greater efficacy in ear acupuncture to remove them.
Some researchers found superior results when ear-acupuncture was used in combination with herbal therapy. A thorough review of the comments and experiences made by many researchers in this subject 2 revealed that: According to my knowledge, there was no scientific basis for evaluating the therapeutic efficacy . However, subjective symptoms can be a factor. The evacuation rate for gallstones can still be expelled by auriculopoint-point seed pressing therapy. This can be improved.
There were many researchers who reported that the therapeutic efficacy was the same regardless of whether otopoints were prescribed. All patients could eventually get rid of some of their gallstones. As a result, the severity of local inflammation was reduced or gone. Some patients experienced shorter colicky episodes and a longer time between attacks. This therapy has earned the trust of the patient .
We recommend that you take the following steps to increase the therapeutic efficacy. Fig.1 Acupoints riyue & qimen (GB-24 & LV-14).